Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Classes

Will I be teaching classes next spring? The answer is yes. In addition to providing ongoing update training to our teachers I will also be teaching my own classes. The classes I will be offering are not your typical craft classes, I will be focusing on the topic of creativity. In fact I probably should add that to the list of class topics. I will be using creativity to explore personal growth and development.

My Personal Mission Statement-is the first of several personal growth classes I plan on offering this spring. I have facilitated mission statement classes in the past, but never through creative means. Students will write their personal mission statement using the creative method of there choice. Those methods could include creative writing, artistic journaling, collage, mixed media or scrapbooking. Whatever your heart desires. Interested? Sign up for our newsletter to receive advance registration notification.


Colleen Schaan said...

This sounds wonderful! I have written mission statements before for teaching and various jobs, but never my own personal fun would that be?!!!

angismith said...

I can't wait to take your creativity classes. As I learn scrapbooking, it is the one thing I continue to struggle with - getting my thoughts translated to paper or screen. I see other layouts using same elements as mine and think, "Why didn't I think to do that?" and I feel inadequate in my creativity skills.

My Creative Classroom said...

Thanks Colleen and Angi. I can't wait to start teaching again. Hope to see you when class starts. :)